Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How to Care for Your Pregnant Partner?

As fascinating as pregnancy is, it is also a time of great pressure for both parents. As a father-to-be, there's a lot you can do to help your partner from the start. Because this baby is a shared responsibility, your behavior during this stressful period has a direct impact on her feelings. Never think that this pregnancy is about her alone, or assume that she won't need you till the baby is born. No matter how supportive her friends and/or family might be, your absence will definitely have a negative, and maybe dominant, effect on her mood and sense of self.
Helping around the house is an obvious tip. As much as it is helpful to her, it will also give you a chance to get used to doing chores, since you will probably do many of them to help when the baby arrives. Offer to help with older children if present, to give her time for a nap or a relaxing hot bath. For the sake of your partner and your baby's health, keep your smoking and drinking outside the house. Although her body naturally adapts to the growing baby, she is still breathing for two, so be cautious especially if she has a history of respiratory illness or used to be a smoker herself.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

10 Symptoms Of Pregnancy

As women bodies differ so do symptoms of pregnancy manifest differently in them. But the wrong assumption is that a missed period is the very first symptom of pregnancy. You will be quite surprised to discover that there many other signs before one misses her period. There are symptoms that manifest as early as 2 days to one week of conception.
In this article, we are going to look at the 10 most occurring symptoms of pregnancy.
1. Rise In Basal Temperature: The first sign of pregnancy is probably the rise in basal temperature. The rise will continue and even extend beyond the next period. This can be notice as early as 2 days after conception. This is usually measured with a special thermometer.

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