Tuesday, June 28, 2011

20 Things You Need to Do to Prepare For a New Baby

Motherhood is a very special and fulfilling stage in a woman's life. However, this can be intimidating and scary at the beginning too. First time mommies are wary if they will ever be a good mom to their kids. They are nervous about caring for the fragile baby. Well all of these are understandable, so what you need to do is prepare well for the arrival of your newborn.
Here are 20 things that you need to do to prepare for a new baby:
  1. Ask tips from your mom or mother-in-law - They say mothers know best, so who else should you talk to when it comes to parenting but your own parents, specifically your mom. You should seek for advices and tips especially for the first few days of your baby.

  1. Read magazines and books about parenting - There are many things that a single woman does not know about being a mom so it would help to read magazines or books about parenting.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Baby Wont Sleep? Learn 3 Successful Methods of How To Get Your Little One To Sleep

So your infant won't sleep... you have to get up at all times of the evening to take care of the crying or yelling, and your mind-numbing lack of sleep is pushing you to paralyzing desperation....
What else could you do?
Mercifully there exist a number of tried and tested and practical methods in helping babies settle down into a great getting-to-sleep regimen.
1. The Way To Determine When Your Child Is Sleepy
During the very first 6 to 8 weeks your new baby most likely will not be able to remain awake for a lot more than a couple of hours. Babies can quite easily become overtired if they are not set down quickly enough - and then putting baby to sleep will become a problem.
Be on the lookout for the classic signs of child drowsiness - is she rubbing her face, fussing or perhaps tugging on her ears? Before too long, you will recognise all these signs of tiredness and be able to set your infant down for a sleep at the correct time
It's most effective to establish a bedtime regime by picking a time between 7pm and 8pm to get them quieted-down. If possible, also attempt to stick to the same times for their day time naps, although not too late as it is probable that your baby will not sleep or have the ability to settle in the evening.

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