Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Yoga Moves for Babies

Yoga moves (asanas) for babies are performed in partnership with an adult, usually the mother. A "Mommy and Me" Yoga class is a wonderful way for a baby and his or her mother to get to know each other, strengthen their bond, and participate in a gentle Yoga class that is beneficial for both of them. A close bond between mother and child has been well documented to help a new baby feel loved, safe, and nourished. Ultimately, a strong mother and child bond will help the newborn to thrive with deep feelings of love and security. A practice of Yoga asanas for mother and baby will nourish them both.
Yoga asanas, for babies, are designed to support the growth and healthy development of the newborn, as well as enrich the continuous bonding process between a mother and child. Yoga postures will support the baby's social, cognitive, and physical development. One of the main benefits of practicing Yoga asanas, with your baby, is that the experience of a concentrated amount of gentle touch from you, during the Yoga class, will help your baby to feel safe, secure, and deeply nourished. Baby Yoga movements are often supplemented with naps and infant massage. Both asanas and infant massages will help to develop a baby's social skills, somatic awareness, and sensory perception.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Baby Diaper Cake: Useful And Helpful For A First Time Mom

A baby diaper cake is a useful and helpful gift or present for a first time mom. Why is that so? Is it because she can eat the cake? This cake is not the typical cake you see on various events or celebrations like birthdays. It looks like real cake but it can't actually be eaten by you or even your guests during the baby shower. It is a cake made of baby diapers and other important ingredients needed by a mom to ensure that her baby is well taken cared of.
If you can't think of the nicest baby shower gift then plan for a baby diaper cake. But, before you do that, gather first the needed pieces of diapers whether disposable or cloth. Roll and pack them together to look like a real cake. You can add baby toys, pacifiers, ribbons, socks, etc. You are free to add decorations to perfect the diaper cake but make sure that you are following a cake pattern so you'll never go wrong.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Confessions of a Baby Boomer

Okay, already! I confess it. I'm a baby boomer. You know. We are the generation that changed everything. We brought you the 1960's and 70's with all the social change that came about. We revolutionized forever attitudes about money, family relationships, society, religion, and the government. We lived through the civil rights struggles that brought about radical and permanent social change in America and elsewhere. We fought the war in Viet Nam. Many of us were at Woodstock and experimented openly for the first time with sex, drugs and marijuana. We were the last generation to be drafted into the US military. We believed that our parents' generation could not be trusted. One of our favorite sayings was, "Never trust anyone over 30 years old." We became fiercely individualistic and demanded the rights to privacy to keep out the snooping eyes of those in authority.
Economically, from our earliest days in childhood, we felt entitled to a good life and a good living. Why not? For many of us our parents were living the American dream. You know what that was - own your own home, have a good job with a steady income. Father goes to work every day and mother stays at home to take care of the kids and keep the wheels from coming off the family. We were idealistic. We believed in a world of optimism and hope. I have heard a sociologist say that we were the first generation to truly believe that our lives would be better than that of our parents.
Maybe it isn't so hard to understand how disillusioned and cynical we became when you consider that all the blind optimism and idealism that we grew up with was shattered by the events of our youth - the deaths of JFK, his brother RFK, the whole civil rights movement and the death of Dr. King. On top of all of these were the national crises of confidence surrounding the war in Viet Nam and Watergate.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Baby Boomers Taking On The Role of Grandparents

Baby Boomers wear many hats as they fulfill the many roles of life throughout their boomer years. Many are near that age of having the choice of being able to retire from jobs that they may have had for many years. They are now in a position to start enjoying some of the things in life that they have not had the time or money for in the past.
One of the greatest events that many boomers will now be able to partake in is the role of grandparents. Most often when the grandchildren first come along many of the boomers are still living a hectic lifestyle. In fact many of them are extra busy at getting things in order so they will be well set for their senior years as retirees. They may not get all the time they would like to have to spend with the grandkids.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Choosing A Theme For Your Baby Shower

People who are organizing their first baby shower may feel at a loss over exactly how to get started. With so many different considerations to make in the course of party planning, an ideal shower may feel like an unattainable goal for some timid first-timers. If you are a party organizer having trouble coming up with ideas, then maybe you should consider using baby shower themes.
Themed showers are becoming a trend among pregnant women today. They are fun and memorable ways to celebrate the arrival of a new baby boy or girl. Creative hosts can come up with their own shower themes. You can even get your own ideas for themes by taking a page from the expectant mother's own hobbies or interests. Some party suppliers may also offer prepackaged themes that are easy to set up if you prefer those.
With today's large variety of baby shower themes to choose from, you may have trouble settling on just one. Whatever theme you eventually decide upon, you must resist the temptation to bite off more than you can chew. An overly ambitious or elaborate theme can be laborious or time-consuming to set up, especially if specific supplies or props are required. When planning a party, you must always allow some 'wriggle' room in the event that things do not go according to plan. If you can, choose a theme that you can easily carry out in broad strokes. A classic theme with wide appeal can work best for your purposes.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Quick and Easy Decorations for Baby Showers

Baby showers are light and festive events meant to celebrate the birth of a baby boy or girl. As the party organizer, your choice of decorations should definitely stick with the spirit of the occasion. If you have never prepared baby shower decorations before, no need to worry. There are many resources available for you today, allowing you to come up with great décor ideas in a jiffy.
One of the easiest ways to find decorating ideas is to go online. The Internet has practically everything you need to help you get started on your baby shower decorations. Many reputable party suppliers and online stores offer pre-packaged items made especially for baby showers, including decorations and party favors. Browsing a number of other websites can give you helpful tips and suggestions for setting up your baby shower. Some of the best places to look through are blogs, parental advice sites and online communities geared especially for mothers. A good number of people who run these sites already have firsthand experience in either hosting or participating in baby showers. There are great chances that some of them will provide you with just the inspiration you need.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

20 Things You Need to Do to Prepare For a New Baby

Motherhood is a very special and fulfilling stage in a woman's life. However, this can be intimidating and scary at the beginning too. First time mommies are wary if they will ever be a good mom to their kids. They are nervous about caring for the fragile baby. Well all of these are understandable, so what you need to do is prepare well for the arrival of your newborn.
Here are 20 things that you need to do to prepare for a new baby:
  1. Ask tips from your mom or mother-in-law - They say mothers know best, so who else should you talk to when it comes to parenting but your own parents, specifically your mom. You should seek for advices and tips especially for the first few days of your baby.

  1. Read magazines and books about parenting - There are many things that a single woman does not know about being a mom so it would help to read magazines or books about parenting.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Baby Wont Sleep? Learn 3 Successful Methods of How To Get Your Little One To Sleep

So your infant won't sleep... you have to get up at all times of the evening to take care of the crying or yelling, and your mind-numbing lack of sleep is pushing you to paralyzing desperation....
What else could you do?
Mercifully there exist a number of tried and tested and practical methods in helping babies settle down into a great getting-to-sleep regimen.
1. The Way To Determine When Your Child Is Sleepy
During the very first 6 to 8 weeks your new baby most likely will not be able to remain awake for a lot more than a couple of hours. Babies can quite easily become overtired if they are not set down quickly enough - and then putting baby to sleep will become a problem.
Be on the lookout for the classic signs of child drowsiness - is she rubbing her face, fussing or perhaps tugging on her ears? Before too long, you will recognise all these signs of tiredness and be able to set your infant down for a sleep at the correct time
It's most effective to establish a bedtime regime by picking a time between 7pm and 8pm to get them quieted-down. If possible, also attempt to stick to the same times for their day time naps, although not too late as it is probable that your baby will not sleep or have the ability to settle in the evening.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How to Care for Your Pregnant Partner?

As fascinating as pregnancy is, it is also a time of great pressure for both parents. As a father-to-be, there's a lot you can do to help your partner from the start. Because this baby is a shared responsibility, your behavior during this stressful period has a direct impact on her feelings. Never think that this pregnancy is about her alone, or assume that she won't need you till the baby is born. No matter how supportive her friends and/or family might be, your absence will definitely have a negative, and maybe dominant, effect on her mood and sense of self.
Helping around the house is an obvious tip. As much as it is helpful to her, it will also give you a chance to get used to doing chores, since you will probably do many of them to help when the baby arrives. Offer to help with older children if present, to give her time for a nap or a relaxing hot bath. For the sake of your partner and your baby's health, keep your smoking and drinking outside the house. Although her body naturally adapts to the growing baby, she is still breathing for two, so be cautious especially if she has a history of respiratory illness or used to be a smoker herself.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

10 Symptoms Of Pregnancy

As women bodies differ so do symptoms of pregnancy manifest differently in them. But the wrong assumption is that a missed period is the very first symptom of pregnancy. You will be quite surprised to discover that there many other signs before one misses her period. There are symptoms that manifest as early as 2 days to one week of conception.
In this article, we are going to look at the 10 most occurring symptoms of pregnancy.
1. Rise In Basal Temperature: The first sign of pregnancy is probably the rise in basal temperature. The rise will continue and even extend beyond the next period. This can be notice as early as 2 days after conception. This is usually measured with a special thermometer.

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