Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Baby Diaper Cake: Useful And Helpful For A First Time Mom

A baby diaper cake is a useful and helpful gift or present for a first time mom. Why is that so? Is it because she can eat the cake? This cake is not the typical cake you see on various events or celebrations like birthdays. It looks like real cake but it can't actually be eaten by you or even your guests during the baby shower. It is a cake made of baby diapers and other important ingredients needed by a mom to ensure that her baby is well taken cared of.
If you can't think of the nicest baby shower gift then plan for a baby diaper cake. But, before you do that, gather first the needed pieces of diapers whether disposable or cloth. Roll and pack them together to look like a real cake. You can add baby toys, pacifiers, ribbons, socks, etc. You are free to add decorations to perfect the diaper cake but make sure that you are following a cake pattern so you'll never go wrong.

For a first time mom, it would be a big challenge to face her new life with her child. She might have doubts in mind whether she can do it or not. Aside from practicing the right way of breastfeeding or changing the diaper, she also needs to learn what clothes are necessary for a baby. She needs to look for the right feeding bottles, pacifiers and toys. If you have included these things in the diaper cake then you are helping the mother to lessen her worries. You are helping her to face her motherhood. Don't you know that every little thing in the cake can be really important? Think about the rolled diapers and the toys attached. All of those can be used by the child. For a mom, she won't be spending too much from buying baby diapers since she still has available stocks.
If your main purpose in giving the baby diaper cake is to help the mom gather the entire baby's needs, include only useful ingredients or items. Style the diaper cake using your own creativity. Allow suggestions from friends around and be sure that the cake is properly layered and arranged. Bring it to the day of the baby shower. If you want to use that cake to fill in the centerpiece table then it would be possible. With such present, you don't only offer a first time mom the kind of centerpiece that she'll love but you are helping her out by providing everything for the child.


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